How video collaboration improves productivity and competitiveness
A decade ago, executives looked on video conferencing as a way to reduce escalating travel costs. Today, more compelling reasons to embrace video conferencing are gaining attention: organizational growth and competitiveness. CEOs are now looking at a mix of markets...
My business got hit with Ransomware! Should I pay?
Trident’s Senior Systems Engineer, Byron Alston, explains what ransomware is, how to guard against it, and what to do when you’ve already been a victim to it. What is ransomware? “Ransomware is a sophisticated type of malware that is specifically...
Why is my PC/Mac so slow?
Even though PCs and Macs are very different, each platform’s Operating System (“OS”) works in a similar way. The reason they get slow (or sluggish) is because people don’t always follow basic maintenance routines. PCs tend to be more prone to “ageing” than Macs but...
Business owner uses technology to give back to God
Scott Moore, co-founder of Trident Technology Solutions, was attending a weekly Bible study with several local business owners when he began to feel convicted to give more of his business back to God. He was already tithing personally, but at that time Trident was...
6 Must-Read Books Recommended by Top Leaders
Reading is the process wherein someone else's experiences, lessons learned, and ideas transfer themselves into your mind. The benefits of reading--even just six minutes of it--have been statistically proven repeatedly over the last century alone. Reading increases the...
Lenovo will preload Microsoft Office, Skype, and OneDrive on its Android devices
Microsoft has announced that its software will be soon be preloaded onto some of Lenovo's Android devices. Productivity apps including Microsoft Office, OneDrive, and Skype will be loaded onto selected Lenovo products running Google's operating system, the result of a...
Work, Email, Distraction, Repeat: Switching tasks is ruining your workflow
You’re working on a report and the ping of an inbound email pulls you away. Soon, you find yourself checking your social feeds, the weather, and the news. Sound familiar? Research shows that our attention span for digital tasks is only 40 seconds. For the last decade,...
11 habits of people who always reach their goals
Research shows that 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions, while only 8% are successful in in achieving them. What is it about those 8% that make them so different? It might sound simple, but it comes down to their habits. Here are 11 you simply must...
I’ve fallen in love with Lenovo’s Yoga Book
The word "innovation" is so overused during a show like IFA that it quickly loses its meaning. It’s hard for me to therefore convey the sense of true innovation that I got when I first laid my hands on the Lenovo Yoga Book. This device is a whole new thing. Calling it...
How Tech Is Aiding Project Management In Business
Technology has changed everything — from the way we keep in touch with our friends and family, to the way we date, shop, and even diagnose our illnesses. And the workplace has benefited from technological advances just as much, with one aspect in particular doing very...