DaaS is a desktop offering that delivers different services through the internet. It is a specific type of virtual computing where a managed tech provider provides users with virtual desktops. This is a licensed subscription service with a provision for the backend management process. It generally includes regular maintenance, software updates, backups, and data storage.
Additional features include providing applications for the desktop and security software. Read on to find out more about how it works and its advantages.
There are two variations of desktops that are available for DaaS users.
- Persistent Desktop. It allows users to customize and save their desktops for future use. They require additional storage, as a result, they can be costly.
- Nonpersistent Desktop. These are ideal for accessing shared cloud services. They are wiped out each time a user logs out.
How Does DaaS Work?
A managed tech provider hosts the necessary resources to stream a virtual desktop on a user’s device. The user accesses the data and applications through software or a browser. The subscription model allows for multiple purchases of virtual desktops by an organization.
Advances in technology have allowed graphics-intensive applications to be seamless with DaaS. However, this requires immense computer power to run. Fortunately, an experienced and managed tech provider can migrate servers for uninterrupted running.
What Are the Advantages of DaaS?
There are several advantages of using DaaS in comparison to a conventional desktop computer model. The most obvious benefit is that it is a much faster and cost-saving virtual solution. Listed below are some other advantages of desktop as a service.
Reduces Downtime for IT Support
The remote provision of IT support reduces downtime. This ensures that employees spend less time on technical issues.
Increases Device Flexibility
The system can run on multiple and varied operating systems and servers. This allows employees to bring devices that they prefer to work on in the office. This lessens the burden on supplying devices and supporting them on a single cloud service provider.
Enhances Security
Having data is stored in a data center decreases security risks. Stolen or lost devices can be easily disconnected from the server at any time. Moreover, the risk of data being stolen is minimal because it is not stored on the device. It is easier to install security system updates at the same time from a remote location.
The Bottom Line
Approximately 82% of people say workplace tech influences their employment decisions. An organization that invests in its technological resources has a higher chance of attracting dedicated employees.